‘A beautiful face is a mute recommendation and a silent commendation’ is a famous saying. As the face is one’s index of the mind, fine lines and wrinkles spoil one’s self-confidence, temperament, and mood.

As we age, the skin starts losing its tendency of the youthful appearance and shows the signs of aging. Fine lines over the face and saggy skin are the two major indicators of aging, however, sometimes early aging symptoms may cause because of the breakdown of skin’s tissues. Wherein the face and neck areas become the concerned areas in major parts.

‘Facelift with Thread Surgery’ or ‘Thread Lift Procedure’ helps to address those concerns in a greater way. It is one of the special cosmetic procedures that help to repair the fine facial lines and saggy face skin and bring your beauty back to you as if you were in your teens. Surgeons at Akruti hospital do flawless Facelift with Thread Surgery in Hyderabad. Click Here to know more about Facelift with Thread or Thread Lift Procedure.