Rhinoplasty Surgery in Hyderabad
A surgical procedure for getting a desired shape of the nose or a changed shape is Rhinoplasty. The reason for the change can be for breathing or appearance, but the technique has proved quite beneficial and people are opting for it without a second thought. As the nose is a prominent feature, so people love to have a sharp and a good one, so looking at the safe and good results, many of us Google for, to know about the technique in detail. Besides this we keep on surfing the Rhinoplasty Surgery in Hyderabad people who have taken it, to know about the honest reviews, so that we can go for it without any hesitation. Below we have discussed a few things about Rhinoplasty Surgery in Hyderabad, for a clear understanding. Scroll down to know in detail.
Let’s understand first, who look for this Rhinoplasty treatment:
- Those who have Excessively flared nostrils
- Those who feel that their nose is disproportionately large for the face
- Those who have A hump or depression on the nasal bridge or a nasal tip that droops
- Those who have crooked or an off-center nose
- Those who have faced any injury related to nose
- Last and least, those that have a nose that impairs breathing
Best Rhinoplasty Surgeons in Hyderabad
Rhinoplasty Procedure
The closed technique or open techniques are the two different ways recommended in nose surgery. Most of the Best Rhinoplasty Surgeons in Hyderabad prefers the later method, as it allows in getting a better insight of the nose and greater access to its support structures. Under the nose near the nostril or between the nostrils, an incision is made in the process. Closed technique of Rhinoplasty is suggested in cases where mild reshaping is needed or if the tip of the nose is being addressed and it is found less invasive too.
• The procedure of Rhinoplasty is completed in three to four hours in most of cases. In case of any complications, the process can extend. Rhinoplasty is an out client procedure and is conducted under general anesthesia. For about two weeks the patient feels swollen and bruised around the eyes and with proper care, it also goes and one is back to normal. Depending upon the complexities involved in the surgery, the cost can range between Rs. 50,000 to 2 lakhs, if one considers getting it done from experts. And it may include Anesthesia fees, charges of different tests performed during the whole process, medication prescription, post-surgery garments, and fees of the surgeon.
Here are some of the quick answers to related queries before the Rhinoplasty:
Is the surgery painful?
The answer is not at all. In some cases, analgesia is also not required.
Whom should I consult?
Definitely, an experienced doctor should be your choice.
When I should go for it?
A doctor can guide you best for it.
Any associated risks?
Like other cosmetic surgeries, the doctor will explain the process in detail and you will get an answer to this.